Rainwater Harvesting and Storage Tanks

We might take it for granted, but water is one of the most precious and scarce natural resources on our planet. Awareness has steadily been on the rise with respect to the importance of water to our survival. Especially in a dry country such as South Africa. Take a look at the advantages of rainwater harvesting and why you should consider it.
What is Rainwater Harvesting in South Africa?
The harvesting of rainwater is simple. It involves the collection of water from rainfall. The water must be stored for later use. Typically, water is collected from places such as the roof of a building. Then stored in whatever sized tanks you have. In rural South Africa, this is a very common practice.
Dams are also a method of rainwater collection. In fact, they are an excellent method of collecting groundwater runoff. That being said, regardless of how it’s collected, all water is precious.
Water Storage Tank Sizes:
(300 litre) (500 litre) (1000 litre) (2500 litre) (4500 litre) (10000 litre)
Rainwater Harvesting Techniques
Although it’s more common in rural South Africa. Rooftop rainwater collection can also take place in urban and semi-urban areas as well. All that needs to be in place is a gutter on the roof. It must direct the rainwater down a tube that connects to a rainwater collection tank. If you’re doing this, you’re playing a huge part in water conservation. Water collected in this way can be stored and distributed for a variety of uses.
Collected rainwater is especially important to those who aren’t on the city water supply. If you’re a city-dweller, it is indeed possible to trade a substantial amount of your water usage for collected rainwater. It’s possible for South African households to be largely self-sufficient with respect to rainwater collection and usage.
What Are the Benefits of Rainwater Harvesting?
Rainwater harvesting is a way that we can significantly reduce our reliance on certain types of infrastructure. For example, water storage dams. This will significantly increase the lifetime of these dams by placing less stress on them. Also, this will reduce the need to construct new dams. You’ll also be able to significantly reduce your water bills if you collect rainwater.
Another important aspect of rainwater collection is the negating of stormwater system overload. When water is captured and recycled for residential use, less water goes into the storm drains. This reduces the risk of floods and other natural disasters that can wreak havoc in communities and neighborhoods.
What About Dirty Roofs?
If you’re worried about a dirty roof impacting the quality of your rainwater, don’t! There are plenty of ways to bypass this. Particularly by means of a device called a first flush device. This device diverts the initial flow of water away from the rainwater tank. Additionally, it decreases the likelihood of rooftop contaminants being present in your collected rainwater.
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Sizing of Rain Water Storage Tanks
An educated decision must be made regarding the appropriate size for your household’s usage of water storage tanks. Once the environmental factors are taken into consideration, make a decision on the storage capacity of the rainwater storage tanks you need. Consider factors such as rainfall, data, storage performance, and storage capacity. Decide what size water collection tank you’ll need to purchase.
Read more on water tanks for sale
Rainwater Storage Capacity
You’ll want to know the area of the roof from which you’ll be collecting your rainfall. The larger the area of the roof, the more rainfall that will be collected. This will result in a large amount of water collection. It will ultimately depend on the size of your water storage tanks.
Different-Sized Rain Water Storage Tanks
The performance of the individual water storage tanks is largely centered around their daily water storage capacity. This can be derived from a simple calculation, one that takes into account certain factors, such as rainfall. Make sure you know your storage capacity before you buy your tank!
Read more on underground water tanks.
The storage capacity is computed using a computer model. The model will take daily water balance calculations into account. This includes runoff generated and the daily level status of your water storage tanks.
The weather isn’t the most predictable natural phenomenon, and the anticipated storage levels can overflow or be dry. The water must be supplied from other sources, in this case, to meet demand. The aforementioned model also takes into account the exact differences needed if the above scenarios were to present themselves.
Capturing Ground Runoff in Water Storage Tanks
Rainwater harvesting in Johannesburg certainly isn’t limited to roof catching. Ground runoff can also be a factor that impacts the total water balance of the equation used to calculate the storage capacity of a rainwater tank. It can also take into consideration the handling and flow of the water. Accounting for minute gains or losses. A lot of factors are taken into account when it comes to ensuring the sustainability of our most precious natural resource.
Read more on harvesting rainwater in South Africa
Advantages of Rainwater Harvesting
Easy to Maintain: There are certain community advantages that come with rainwater collection. Firstly, rainwater harvesting in Cape Town allows us to sustainably reuse a precious resource. Drinking water is not renewable, which makes this practice of utmost importance. Systems for rainwater harvesting in Johannesburg are simple.
The entire cost of the installation and operation of rainwater harvesting equipment is much cheaper than the likes of a water purifying system, for example. There is little time and energy required for the maintenance, and substantial results can be visibly seen without purification.
Reducing Water Bills: This is a no-brainer. Water that’s harvested through rainwater can be immediately used for several, non-drinking water functions. This can ultimately lead to huge reductions in utility bills for both businesses and residential buildings. When it comes to industrial buildings, harvesting rainwater can provide the perfect amount of water to reduce any operation’s operating costs. Ultimately saving a ton of money.
There is also the added bonus of not having to use the nearby water sources extensively, especially with respect to farms. Soil erosion is significantly reduced, as well. The fruit trees and plants will thrive on recycled water. This water can be used whenever necessary. Using water storage tanks in South Africa is simple and easy!
Suitable for Irrigation: Save money on building expensive, natural water irrigation systems! Forget the new infrastructure. Stemming mainly from rooftops, rainwater harvesting in Cape Town can be a sufficient supply for any irrigation system. You’ll also save money on fuel, by having to use less machinery.
Rainwater is free from a lot of chemicals that are commonly found in most purified water. This alone makes it suitable for irrigation as well as many other things. Storing large collections of rainwater and other harvested water is a great way to help eliminate forest fires if you live in an area where forest fires are prevalent!
Reduces Demand for Groundwater: With a rapid increase in our planet’s population, the demand for water is also increasing. The result of the increasing demand for freshwater is that industries and communities alike are forced to dig down to aquifers to satisfy their operational demands. Groundwater has become increasingly scarce, because of this. In areas that have large water scarcity, this can be of particular danger.
Reduces Floods and Soil Erosion: During any rainy season, rainwater is harvested in immensely large tanks, reducing the risk of flooding in areas that are prone to it. Soil erosion is also alleviated through rainwater harvesting in Pretoria because of the lack of acid rain runoff in both lakes and ponds.
Can Be Used For Multiple, Non-drinking Purposes: Rainwater that’s harvested can be used for a variety of non-drinking purposes, such as flushing toilets, gardening, washing clothes, and washing cars. Why use pure drinking water when you can use what the sky provides, with the same effect?
Disadvantages of Rainwater Harvesting
Unpredictable Rainfall: Nature isn’t the most consistent, especially when it comes to rainfall. Rainfall can be hard to predict. Sometimes, little to no rainfall can completely halt the collection of sustainable rainwater harvesting in Johannesburg. Rainwater area is primarily suited to areas that have moderate to high levels of annual rainfall
High, Initial Price: Although some can be cheap, many rainwater harvesting systems can be hugely pricey at first. Although they pay for themselves in the long run because of the eventual utility bill reduction. The long run is usually ten to fifteen years.
Regular Maintenance: Rainwater harvesting systems can be tiresome to maintain. Depending on where you live, many types of rainwater harvesting systems can be prone to many types of pests. If they aren’t maintained, they’ll become the breeding ground for a plethora of unwanted animals.
Rooftop Chemicals and Animal Droppings: You’ll never be totally certain of what is on top of your roof. Certain rooftops may be prone to chemical accumulations as well as bird droppings. Know the risk of what you’re installing before you pollute your plants or car!
Storage Limits: There is a limit to everything. Even when it comes to the amount of rainwater a system can hold. Unless you own a reservoir, rainwater collection systems can be prone to overflow, if the season is particularly wet.
Rainwater harvesting in Pretoria is relatively new but is gaining a decent amount of traction. Areas that experience large volumes of rainfall will benefit greatly from harvested rainfall. Dry areas will be able to experience the rainfall harvested if it’s distributed to these areas. The benefits of rainfall harvesting cannot be overlooked, regardless of where
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