Solar Panels

Energy prices around the world including South Africa are on the rise. The high energy cost has spurred the growth of many types of solar panels. They provide clean, renewable energy at a lower price and is also friendly to the environment. It is essential to be knowledgeable about the following aspects when planning to use solar panels for powering your home.
Check out these solar panels below:
- 350w Canadian Solar Panel
- 360w Canadian Solar Panel
- 365w Canadian Solar Panel
- 395w Canadian Solar Panel
- 400w Canadian Solar Panel
- 410w Canadian Solar Panel
Solar panels are photovoltaic materials capable of producing electricity when exposed to light. Additionally, they convert solar energy into direct current using an inverter.
Any excess energy is stored in a battery for use in emergency situations. Battery storage can also be used to provide power during the night.
They work optimally when pointed towards the north directly facing the sun and not sheltered. Before buying solar panels make sure your property has enough space to face the panels in the right direction.
The efficiency of solar panels can also be affected by an area’s geographical location or climatic zone. Moreover, certain areas will be more effective and produce more energy than other climatic regions.
Source: advantages of solar energy
Solar panels or modules are primarily made of silicone. It is made of solar cells sandwiched between a protective glass coating and a hardy back plate. The perimeter of the panel is covered using aluminium. The most common ones are made of 60 solar cells and weigh between 18-19 kg. This will differ slightly between panels and manufacturers.
What is the Difference Between Mono and Poly Solar Panels?
#1 – Monocrystalline Solar Panels: Monocrystalline types of solar panels have a uniform look to them. Additionally, the colouring is even throughout the panel.
Also referred to as single-crystalline solar panels, they are manufactured with high-purity silicon. Silicon ingots that are cylindrical in shape comprise the solar cells.
The single monocrystalline solar cell has its sides cut on all four corners. This increases its performance while reducing the cost. Having it cut this way gives the panels their signature look. It makes it easily distinguishable from the polycrystalline solar models. (Read More)
#2 – Polycrystalline Solar Panels – Also known as Multicrystalline panels. Furthermore, polycrystalline types of solar panels are a reasonably new technology product. Manufactured for the first time in 1981.
Raw silicon is melted and poured into a square mold. It is then cooled and cut into square wafers. Another thing to consider is the process used to make polycrystalline silicon is simpler and costs less.
They also have a slightly lower heat tolerance when compared to monocrystalline. Meaning the performance is lowered and it can slightly decrease the lifespan of the panel. (Read More)
#3 – Thin Film Solar Panels (TFSC): These types of solar panel is made of a thin photovoltaic material sitting on a metallic or glass plate. Enhanced models continue to be produced with technological advancements. Although, it’s less efficient when compared to the other types of solar panels South Africa. They are manufactured by layering thin film on top of each other. The film thickness can vary from a few nanometers to tens of micrometres. One of the disadvantages is that they are slightly more expensive than other panels with reduced efficiency. (Read More)
A solar panel’s efficiency is measured by comparing its energy output against its surface area. High-efficiency solar panels Durban help lower the installation cost. Homeowners whose houses have a large surface area can benefit from buying low-cost, low-efficiency panels.
It is surprising to know that a solar panel’s efficiency diminishes with increasing temperatures. The above fact might look illogical since they are designed to sit in a rooftop. Solar panels Johannesburg require proper air circulation to avoid loss in their energy efficiency.
Read more on alternative energy sources
There are a few things to consider before getting the solar panel price South Africa. Figuring out how much power you use on a monthly basis is a good start. From there you can work out the solar panel price Durban and how many of them you will need. Below is a list of things to consider.
- Check how much power your household consumes monthly.
- Additionally, switch off the kitchen appliances, not in use.
- Sparingly use energy-consuming electronics.
- This will save 30% on your energy bills.
- Consider your energy usage for the number of solar panels Durban you need to buy.
- Consider your roof’s direction for mounting the panels.
- Establish whether your roof has enough exposure to the sun.
- Establish any government regulations on the use of solar energy.
- Consider whether there is a need for installing battery storage.
- Find recommended installers with solar panels for sale
- Consider the available financing options if the panels have a high installation cost.
It is essential that you check whether the company you wish to install your solar panels Johannesburg is accredited. Also, find out how long the company has been in business. Additionally, check their reviews online. These systems cost a lot of money so experienced installers are advised. Experienced installers who have positive customer reviews are the best to work with to avoid dissatisfaction after installation.
The best way to save energy costs is by reducing the energy that goes to the grid. This can be achieved by maximizing on solar power usage. First, establish your home’s energy requirement to help you get a clear picture of the kind of solar panels Durban you require to install. Furthermore, the best ways to establish your home’s energy requirement is by referring to the previous year’s bills. Alternatively, you can hire electrical technicians to conduct an energy audit in your home.
High output rated solar panels Johannesburg are required for homes with huge energy requirements. A home’s energy requirement is established using daytime consumption since energy bills are usually high during the daytime compared to at night.